



[夏日人物側寫計畫V-沈于庭]_PART 2 
Amy, Dept. of International Trade(Taiwan)國貿系-沈于庭(台灣)

-TTT Intern Keith Chen (訪談及英文撰寫:侯鳥計畫實習生陳恭齊)
-Translator Amy Yu-Ting Shen + Yinju Chen (中文編譯:沈于庭+國交小工陳瀅竹)


Amy was very involved in extracurricular activities during her reign as a student in NTCUST. She would volunteer for various programs pertaining to international relations or globalization. One of the programs, hosted by the Ministry of Education, pooled together students from different countries such as Ireland, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Israel and Taiwan. This experience ultimately allowed her to learn the differences between people of different countries. Her most valuable experience from this experience is acknowledging the fact that students from other nations, although similar in age group, have a better grasp of what they want in the future. Nowadays, youths around the world are doing the things to help the needy. They are new and powerful to the world.


Ben, the teenager from Israel, shares a film titled “Best Coin Ever Spent” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgiPaanDnuk) to us. At first, there is a sole man playing the violin. A few people are watching him. When more and more players join in to play the music, more people start gathering around .The point is the power of the majority. Through the internet, everything is possible. All we have to do is take action instead of thinking. Do not be afraid of failure. Failure is the step to success. This is very different from Taiwanese students who are raised to do well in school in order to secure a job that provides financial security. She thinks that this aspect of Taiwanese culture is not good on the effects of students and promotes the idea of a gap year, where a year is taken at the liberty of the student to explore realms outside of academics. She also spent time volunteering for a fine-arts museum located in Taichung due to her appreciation of art. She would spend long amounts of time working with other volunteers (who she became good friends with) on setting up the exhibitions at the discretion of certain artists.

以色列青年代表Ben Gordon,分享了一個youtube的連結:Best Coin Ever Spent (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgiPaanDnuk)。起先,只有一個人在獨奏,觀眾寥寥無幾,最後是整個樂團一起演奏,圍觀的群眾把廣場擠得水洩不通。每次看這部影片心中都會起很大的漣漪,在現今這個時代,透過網路什麼事情都可以變的有可能。確定自己想要完成什麼事,評估可行性有多少,採取行動,即使失敗了都值得鼓勵,因為不只是空想,取而代之的是行動。在台灣,我們多被教育要成為認真念書的好學生,以利畢業後找到所謂薪水優且穩定的好工作。但于庭卻認為台灣社會在這方面的固有價值觀,對學生來說不是那麼好,反而提倡gap year(空檔年)這個概念,學生可以自由的運用這一年,探索正規校園課程之外的領域及活動。抱持著對藝術的興趣,于庭加入了國立台灣美術館於去年舉辦的「返常—2013亞洲藝術雙年展」展覽志工團隊,協助來自亞洲各國的藝術家佈展,而一起工作的志工伙伴們也都成為了好朋友!

Amy has a very mature way of viewing the world. For instance, she recollects her visit to Hong Kong where she went not with the intention of being a tourist, but a Hong Kong local.
With this mindset, she notices certain aspects of Hong Kong that normal tourists will not. As an old saying goes, ‘’Elders are treasures.’ ’In Taiwan, it is quite normal for grandparents to live in homes, in Hong Kong the elders do not live in homes due to the high prices of housing. Furthermore, she explains that this may be due to the fact that much of Hong Kong has been colonized by rich people from China. Similarly, many jobs in Hong Kong are dominated by people from China. With this deficiency, some Hong Kong natives dislike China and support Taiwan’s bid to remain independent from China due to fear of Taiwan becoming the second Hong Kong. Guangdong, a fortnightly magazine executive editor thinks that Everything has the pros and cons, for Taiwan, he has a big impact especially in the good side, he said: “To tell you the truth, In China we have much more spectacular sceneries than in Taiwan, However, Taiwanese lifestyle is what we desire, Taiwanese can choose how to live their own lives.


Born in raised in the small island of Taiwan, Amy’s interest in international relations and her open personality is indicative of her desire to branch out and experience as much as she can of the rest of the world. She appreciates the different lessons she can learn simply from talking to different people she meets. The most unforgettable parts of her journey is when she meets new people. It is no wonder she has such a keen interest in traveling. It is also no surprise that she will continue to embrace new and foreign experiences in the future, starting with her upcoming visit to Europe. 


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